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Search Results
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A search for 'Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1262 matches in tracks
  1. Skylanders Main Theme (02:13)
    from Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
  2. Skylanders Main Theme (Instrumental) (02:13)
    from Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
  3. The Adventure Begins (02:21)
    from Pokémon: The Movie 2000
    Track 11 - 13 are from "Pikachu's Rescue Adventure"
  4. Overseas Suite (03:36)
    from Supercar
    Jungle & Redskin from "Amazonian Adventure" - Chinese & Far East from "The Talisman Of Sargon" - Eastern Mixture from "Amazonian Adventure"
  5. Overseas Suite (03:36)
    from Fireball XL5
    Jungle & Redskin from "Amazonian Adventure" - Chinese & Far East from "The Talisman Of Sargon" - Eastern Mixture from "Amazonian Adventure"
  6. The Morning After (Song From The Poseidon Adventure) (02:23)
    from Poseidon Adventure, The
    Performed by Maureen McGovern - Disc 1: The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
  7. The Morning After (Song From The Poseidon Adventure) (02:23)
    from Earthquake
    Performed by Maureen McGovern - Disc 1: The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
  8. The Morning After (Song From The Poseidon Adventure) (02:23)
    from Towering Inferno, The
    Performed by Maureen McGovern - Disc 1: The Poseidon Adventure (1972)
  9. Indy's Very First Adventure (08:13)
    from Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
    (Alternate Title: Indy's First Adventure)/Note: Alternate Title listings appear due to alternate packaging offered from bootlegging source(s).
  10. Adventure (03:11)
    from Dragon Warrior III
  11. Another Adventure (02:33)
    from Shrek The Third
  12. Another Adventure (02:33)
    from Shrek The Third
  13. Until Our Next Adventure (01:20)
    from Brigsby Bear
  14. Adventure (02:12)
    from Sommer Des Falken, Der
  15. Adventure (02:12)
    from Flußfahrt Mit Huhn
  16. Adventure (02:12)
    from Küken Für Kairo
  17. Who's Up For An Adventure? (02:14)
    from Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
  18. Adventure (02:54)
    from Shout At The Devil
  19. Adventure (02:02)
    from Tenchijin
  20. Adventure (02:07)
    from Shout At The Devil
Show all 1262 matching tracks